
Get to Know Roanoke.com

Class, please make sure you've spent time with Roanoke.com, (http://www.roanoke.com/wb/xp-index), the Web site for The Roanoke Times in southwest Virginia. Editor Mike Riley invited our class to participate in a video conference with editors in their newsroom. Seth Gitner is coordinating.

Roanoke editors are particularly interested in the class' thoughts on "TimesCast," a video webcast shown daily at 3:30 p.m. that features news, sports and entertainment info (see the "Webcast" link on the top left of the home page). But editors would also like general feedback on the site as well: How easy is it to navigate? How well does it use photos? Multimedia? Interactive elements? How well does it leverage content from the paper? How well does it leverage original content--from the Web staff and the community (including blogs/podcasts/citizen stories)? Please jot down some notes on what you see and be prepared to ask thoughtful questions of editors.

Our video conference will take place on May 10, at 3 p.m., during the class. Stay tuned!