
Resumes Due Tomorrow

A reminder that your Web resumes are due in the x drive tomorrow at the start of class. You should copy your last name folder to x, into my folder. Here's the checklist on what you should include:

* Your folder name should be all lowercased. Inside should be a photos folder (called "photos") with your headshot in it. Inside the main folder should be a one-page resume file (named "yourlastnameresume.html," all lowercased) created in Dreamweaver.
* Your html file should include text, subheads, an e-mail address link, at least one external hyperlink, at least one bulleted list and a photo.
* You should also include a copyright line at the bottom (the format is Copyright ©2009 Your Name) and a back to top link (an anchor link) at the bottom.
* Background colors are optional, as are horizontal rules.
* Each factual mistake will result in one letter-grade deduction, as will each broken link or broken image tag.
* Unreadable resumes (because of bad color choices for fonts or backgrounds) will result in an automatic F.
* Resumes should follow AP style for print throughout.
* You may use in-line style (working with the Dreamweaver "properties" bar), to control font styles and sizes for text for this assignment.

Any questions-- e-mail me or drop by the new-media lab on the 3rd floor...