

I found this headline on the web site for my hometown newspaper, the Vineland Daily Journal. The headline reads "Spikes Instantaneously Makes Eagles Better." (here's the link... http://www.thedailyjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070328/SPORTS/703280335/1006)

I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just don't like the word "instantaneously" at all. It's just my opinion that there are plenty of words that are more concise and convey the intended message just as effectively. It almost seems to me the headline writer was pressed for time and needed to use a bigger word to fill the correct amount of space. The word "instantaneously" almost seems like it really has too many syllables to be in a headline. I could just be completely overreacting, but I think the headline would have sounded better using something along the lines of "Spikes instantly makes Eagles' D better," or something like that.

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