
Will there be a future for social media editors?

I attended the Journalism Interactive conference on Friday, and I really enjoyed the Friday morning session on journalism and social media use. New York Times social media editor, Liz Heron was on the panel and said that she thought her job might not be around in five years. You can see more of what she said here: http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/10/heron-i-think-my-job-will-probably-not-exist-in-five-years/ (source: Nieman Lab).

I thought it was a pretty bold statement, given that many journalists still do not use social media or are hesitant to sign-up. What do you think? Given that there is a heightened focus on social media, will jobs like Heron's still be around in five years? Or do you think there will always be a need for a social media editors within the newsroom?

1 comment:

Chris Harvey said...

I'm glad you brought this up, Tim! It was an interesting statement indeed. Heron added that she felt use of the social media tools would be so commonplace throughout the newsroom that there would no longer need to be a central figure urging others in the newsroom to use them, and training them to do so. Like you, I'm not sure if five years will be enough to assume such widespread use. But I like her optimism. :-)