
BBC International

The BBC has an entire other page devoted to all things having anything at all to do with Obama, both on the UK and International versions of the Web site.

They feature several versions of Obama's inauguation, including a play-by-play live text commentary beginning at 0900 and going all the way up until 1709. After the inaugural commentary finishes, the page links back to the one before it which covers every aspect of Obama's first 100 days in office. There are links to several videos and photos of the event as well. The live commentary has links to photos and videos of the parade, inaugural oath and the President's first speech in office. After viewing videos and photos, the site recommends similar multimedia that may interest the reader.

The BBC Web site provides its readers with an in-depth coverage of both the actual inauguration and every major move Obama has made since his first day in office.

International Version:

UK Version:

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