
Tweeting on Twitter

Today we'll be using Twitter to send out news.

First log in, and sign in.

When you get to the "What are you doing" screen, you'll type updates in 140 characters or less (yes, this is like lead or headline writing), leaving room for others to forward this discussion stream: #UMDJschool. The #slug goes at the end of your note. Leave a space before you type it.

Please remember that the world can see your remarks. So be accurate and fair.

To follow other "tweets" from this discussion, open up another browser window and go to: http://search.twitter.com/

Type in #UMDJschool, and all the comments for this thread will display.

Hit "refresh" periodically to see new comments.

This technology is useful journalistically to find story ideas and sources, to send out links on your published stories (and thus promote your stories) and to send out quick updates from the field on an unfolding story.


Caitlin said...

Professor Harvey, I thought it was so interesting how during Jay Kernis' talk at the Journalism School so many people had their phones out. With the increasing popularity of Twitter and other instant social networking tools, it seems it has become acceptable to be "doing something else" while listening to a speech or attending an event. In the past, if students had their phones out during a talk by a Maryland graduate, it would be extremely rude and have been frowned upon. During this talk, however, students and teachers were typing away on their phones trying to get Mr. Kernis' information out into cyberspace.

Hiba Akhtar said...

Twitter is such a great forum to read the news. I follow news sites like The Washington Post and The New York Times, so when I log in, I just skim through the tweets to see what stories I would be interested in!