
Good and Bad Headlines - Ellie Falaris

Blagojevich Is a Flop in Audition in Court http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/22/us/22illinois.html?ref=us
This headline is a little clunky for a couple reasons. Structurally, the use of "in" twice makes headline somewhat awkward. Also, the idea of the audition makes it seem like Blagojevich was doing an audition in court. In fact, he tried to convince a federal judge to let him be a contestant on a reality television show being filmed in Costa Rica.

This is not Spinal Tap
This feature is about the reunion of the characters from the rock mockumentary "This is Spinal Tap." I think the headline is both clever and to the point. Plus, it contains both "Spinal Tap" and "This is Spinal Tap," which are relevant search terms.

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